the Log Cabin
by Steve & Joe Rapisarda
Construction of the Log Cabin at the East Polk Heritage Center at Fosston is of scribe-fit log design patterned after early European/Scandinavian settlers.
Local Aspen trees from the Eloise Miller farm of Falk Township were selected and cut during the winter of 1994. Construction followed through the summer of 1995.
Lumber from local species of Aspen, Birch, Spruce and Pine were used for floor, ceiling, gables and roof system. Red Cedar from the West Coast, although not common among settlers, does “fit” into this era and is of a more superior quality than roofing used locally.
Because of the time consumed in the intense carving, the scribe-fitting method of log building was not the only one used. However, it is still a superior design because chinking was/is not needed and its “shingle” effect of log over log does allow for durability through weathering in moist climates.
Long eaves and overhang also contribute to the durability and “look” as does the hominess of the front porch.
Hope it will be enjoyed by many!